Flexible 2/5” SWT (PE) Low loss > Smooth wall type

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Flexible 2/5” SWT (PE) Low loss
Design / Jacket
Inner conductor: copper-clad aluminum wire :  Ø 3.56mm
Insulation of foamed Polyethylene (PE) with skin
Outer conductor: Aluminum smooth tube : Ø10.1±0.2 mm
Polyethylene (PE), Black : Ø11.4±0.5 mm

상품 상세설명

pro_title_box01.jpg Electrical data at 20°C pro_title_box03.jpg
Inner conductor resistance ≤ 3.0 Ohm/km
Outer conductor resistance ≤ 3.4 Ohm/km
Insulation resistance > 1000 kOhm*km
Characteristic Impedance 50 ± 1 Ohm
Relative velocity of propagation > 85 %
Peak power rating 12 kW
Max. operating frequency 12 GHz
Test voltage (wire/screen rms 50Hz 1min) 2500V
Return loss (100m) 1700~2000 MHz
< -26 dB
Passive intermodulation < -140dBc
pro_title_box01.jpg Attenuation [@ 68°F. (20°C.)] pro_title_box03.jpg
(dB/100 m)
300 5.9
500 7.5
800 9.48
1000 11.15
1700 14.84
1800 15.05
2400 17.65
pro_title_box01.jpg Mechanical and thermal characteristics pro_title_box03.jpg
Screen material acc. to DIN EN 13602 Cu-ETP-R
Jacket material acc. to DIN EN 50290-2-24 (VDE 0819), table 1/2-L/MD(HD 624.4)
pro_title_box01.jpg Other characteristics pro_title_box03.jpg
Permissible temperature range, installation -40°C up to +60°C
Permissible temperature range, operation Min. -55°C up to +85°C
bending radius allowed 32mm
Number of bends, minimum (typical) 15
RoHS compliant  
pro_t_con.jpg 담당자  
• 황병선 대표 ( 010-2710-3960 / hbs0420@es-tech.com )

  • 본사 / 공장 : 충남 홍성군 홍북읍 첨단산단4길 9     TEL 070-4571-4725  FAX 070-4009-9525
    수원사무실 : 경기도 수원시 권선구 산업로92번길 57  TEL 070-4571-4700  FAX 070-4571-4799
